Friday, May 13, 2016

JMH - Age 3

Jacob Michael Hopkins
This sweet, spunky, fun loving boy turned THREE!

He loves dirt, playing outside, squirt guns, trucks, potty words, sports, nerf guns and all things boy.
After several long weeks of potty training, we finally have success!
He loves to perform all tasks "by himself"
He loves to fart and giggle.
He loves food and snacks just about all day long.
He's addicted to sugar (like his Momma).
He consumes fruit by the pound.
He's easily bribed with a piece of candy and lives for desserts and sweet treats.
He's recently started talking to himself out loud {simply adorable}.
Without fail, he always confuses the colors red and green.
He's idolizes Aiden and Chris and is the best instigator when it comes to knowing all of the right buttons to push.
He's a pro at stalling when bedtime rolls around.
He loves animals but is scared of snakes.
He loves to snuggle, give hugs and kisses and truly believes everyone is his friend.
There's no better feeling then when he calls me his best friend.
He's a joy and he's all ours!

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