Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Realizing now that I never posted my "draft" blog from last week....
Without further ado...

In light of receiving discouraging news a few days in a row last week, this amazing weather has been just what we all needed.   How can you possibly go wrong with sunshine and cheer, right?

Aiden and Chris came home with amazing report cards and rave reviews from their teachers.  While we have our moments, I'm glad the special ones are saved for home and best behavior is shown at school.  They're rocking first grade and I couldn't be more proud.

If you know me, you know that I can't sit still.  Maybe someday but for as long as these legs are youngish and ready to move, I will be on the go.  We have been thoroughly enjoying new explorations in and around town.  Last week Jake and I headed out with our neighbor and we're trying to explore somewhere new as a family whenever we can.  It's amazing what some sunshine can do for your soul!

Last weekend we were thrilled to pile into the car for a trip to Boston to celebrate our nieces fourth birthday.  The girls were as sweet as can be and the perfect little party hosts.  My sister and brother in law, having recently moved have done amazing renovations and their home is charming.  I came home, inspired to keep plugging along on our long list of projects and jumped into repairing and painting our kitchen ceiling (*note, I was quickly reminded of just how much I despise ceiling work!).  We stopped for a quick hike in Brimfield on our way back and dropped by Grammies and Dziadzu's for dinner and a quick visit before heading home.  Aiden and Chris spent the night with my parents and as always, didn't want the weekend to end. 

We hosted friends from North Carolina for lunch on Sunday and are thrilled that they'll be moving back up this way in just a few weeks.  Mike got started clearing our back woods and while we've got plenty of work still ahead of us, the new yard spacing we're gaining is motivating us to plug along.  I was a good supervisor but am anxious to lend a hand to get the process moving along.  We've got plans to use the gained space for a shed and we're all excited to free up from garage space when we can get the tools and yard goodies to a proper home.  We are spoiled as Grammie and Dziadzu stopped by Sunday night with dinner for us yet again!

Today, tomorrow and Friday are half days for the twins.  I'm excited to get outside and check out some new trails with them and anxious to meet with their teachers to hear more about their progress in their classrooms.
I've been excitedly adding spring touches and Easter décor around the house and am truly so thankful for the mild winter that we had.  We've got plans for Jake's third birthday underway and my mind is spinning with the many fun things we have ahead!

Have a great week and enjoy this plentiful sunshine!

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